Community Bulletin Board
Eagle Scout Christian Wilson with Troop 219 built the Texas Pool a community bulletin board in 2018. It was a great addition to the pool for community and neighborhood news.
Eagle Scout Christian Wilson with Troop 219 built the Texas Pool a community bulletin board in 2018. It was a great addition to the pool for community and neighborhood news.
Thank you to Jack Metzger for the benches located just outside the Texas Pool near the city of Plano’s sand volleyball court. Jack built the benches as part of his Eagle Scout project in 2018.
Joseph Langton with Troop 219 built stanchions for his Eagle Scout project in 2018. The Texas Pool can use them for safety and special events.
The Texas Pool Foundation offers opportunities for volunteers and those experiencing hardship to earn a full or partial Texas Pool membership.
The Texas Pool Foundation is the nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation of the Texas Pool landmark and to community outreach. Would you consider volunteering some of your time?
The Texas Pool Foundation may choose to host or sponsor community events held at the Texas Pool facility or within the community. The foundation recognizes that such events foster community connections and volunteerism.
With Texas’ legendary spirit for living and giving, the Texas Pool Foundation will often make a donation of one or more single-day passes or a 5 Star Guest Card at the request of local charities, schools and other nonprofit organizations.
Lifeguards, junior lifeguards, prospective guards and Texas Pool board members are eligible for possible scholarships for advanced training and certifications that benefit the Texas Pool Foundation’s mission.
The Texas Pool’s very own WSI and lifeguard swim instructors teach swim lessons for all levels of students.
Join the Chess Masters of Premier Scholar Chess for lessons and games on the Texas Pool Deck.