The Texas Pool’s Heritage Landmark application and zone change moves forward

The Texas Pool’s application for the City of Plano’s Heritage Landmark designation passed a Planning and Zoning Commission vote Monday night!

Thank you to our CEO & Founder Janet Vermillion-Moos and Historian J.P. Goldsmith for all their hard work on this project. Also, many thanks to the Heritage Commission Team for supporting the Texas Pool!

Why a Zoning Change?

This is part of our effort to become one of the City of Plano’s Heritage Landmark sites.

Heritage Landmark Sites are designated properties that have significant historical value to the city and to the community.

Currently there are 34 historical properties in Plano that are designated as Heritage Landmarks. The Texas Pool hopes to be the 35th.

Plano’s Heritage Commission approved the pool’s Heritage Landmark application in April.

On Monday, the Planning and Zoning Commission approved the zoning change from Single-Family Residence to a Heritage Resource designation.

Next up, the plans will be presentation to the Plano City Council for approval.

A Heritage Landmark Site

The Texas Pool is already one of the city of Plano’s five historic properties listed on the National Register of Historic Places. These historic sites were determined to be of National preservation importance.

We are so grateful for the support of the Texas Historical Commission, the City of Plano and the City of Plano Heritage Commission, and the Plano Conservancy as well as local business, corporations, and our community for supporting The Texas Pool Foundation’s preservation efforts.

If you have questions or want more information, you can reach out to Texas Pool Foundation Founder Janet Vermillion Moos at or you can contact Bhavesh Mittal, Plano’s Heritage Preservation Officer, at 972-941-7151.