Junior Lifeguard Camp
Calling all children ages 8 to 15!
Registration is now open for the Texas Pool’s newest program: Junior Lifeguard Camp, July 15-20th. (space is limited, act now!).
- Learn and practice real lifeguard skills
- Make lifelong friends while practicing team building
- Explore a great career that you can keep through high school, college, and beyond
- Begin CPR training and first responder protocol
Multiple Age Groups:
- Junior Lifeguards (ages 13-15)
8-10AM Daily, Olympics Saturday 7:30AM - Discovery Guards (ages 11-12)
3-4PM Daily, Olympics Saturday 9AM - Guppy Guards (ages 8-10)
2-3PM Daily, Olympics Saturday 9AM
Cost per participating child: $25 (includes camp t-shirt)
Not only will you look great in your camp shirt, it gets you into the pool for free for the rest of the summer! (you have to be wearing your shirt when you check in)